Araki-ryu Dojo Associated with Ellis Amdur

Taikyoku Araki-ryu – Training groups specializing in one or more aspects of  Araki-ryu torite-kogusoku, under the direction of Ellis Amdur

Athens Araki-ryu Hokusei DojoAthens, Greece – practice is under the supervision of  Thanassis Bantios, and other senior members of the ryu.

Thessaloniki Taikyoku Araki-ryu Hokusei Dojo – Thessaloniki, Greece – practice is under the supervision of  Thanassis Bantios, and other senior members of the ryu. Inquiries should be directed to Stratos Karpouzidis.

For links of other dojo and organizations associated with the Hokusei Dojo, go to, KogenBudo